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What You Are is What You Attract

In order to attract someone you must provide something of interest. In modern dating, the initial attraction occurs in a wide variety of ways, some ways are explainable and are not. But what comes with a clear explanation is the importance in knowing what you want and don’t want in a partner.

According to Seattle Life Coach, Brandy Watkins, ”The biggest key to attracting the partner you want is becoming the person you truly want to be. People get too caught up in trying to find the right person, instead of asking if they are the right person.”

What vessel you use to meet the partner of your dreams is irrelevant. There is no need to stress over the changed game. You do not have to say goodbye to traditional dating to participate in modern dating. There is no shame in using apps like Tinder. There is nothing wrong with interrupting someone’s workout to make an encounter. Speed dating is not pointless. It is not a sin to casually date more than one person at the same time, until you meet one person that takes your breath away.

However, what is relevant and deserves your full focus prior to going on the prowl is having a clear idea of what you want to attract. Now take those characteristics and become that type of person yourself. For example, if you want to have a lover that is fit, you must be fit. If you want an educated partner, you must be educated. If you want a financially savvy partner, you must become savvy. You cannot enter into the modern dating pool expecting to attract a mate with specific qualities that you cannot reciprocate.

Ed J. Reese, a 29-year-old and actively dating Seattle bachelor says, “I’ve played sports my whole life, so I’m attracted to women who are athletic and share that passion with me because I don’t freaking want to compromise going to games or watching games. In the past, when I’ve dated women who didn’t share my passion, sure they were hot but they would get upset when I decided to watch a game instead of going to the movies with them or something. We ended up being too different.”

As Reese points out, having a companion that shares similar interests makes for a more fulfilling relationship. Invest the time to self-evaluate for the sake of personal development, identification of the key factors you want in a companion, and success in your next relationship. Strive to become the best version of yourself possible, then go out there and use any or all of the modern dating vessels to attract your ideal partner. What you are is what you attract.

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